Assorted Cryptocurrency quotes part 1

Activists need to educate themselves about the power of crypto currencies like Bitcoin, invented in 2009, and use crypto to leverage the success of their independent media gains to tip the balance of power away from the troika in ways that could never happen by backing a political candidate.
Max Keiser

Bitcoin is like anything else: it’s worth what people are willing to pay for it.
Stanley Druckenmiller

When you take a look at how the IRS treats foreign currency, bitcoin doesn’t have the same taxation regime. Foreign currency gains and losses generally are taxed as ordinary income.
Perianne Boring

The only thing I can do with my bitcoin is give it to somebody else.
Peter Schiff

Gold actually has properties you can use gold for all sorts of things. People value gold for the metal. Nobody values bitcoin for the bitcoin; they value it because they believe that they can exchange it for something else.
Peter Schiff

The world is a global economy. I thought, ‘It’s a bummer we don’t have a unifying currency.’ Then I saw Bitcoin had already had a crash and had the resistance to recover. The community was strong enough to push it through again. That’s really exciting.
Adam Draper

I saw Bitcoin as an actual market opportunity: as a trillion-dollar marketplace with long-term potential.
Adam Draper

Bitcoin has so much potential, and that’s why the believers are trying to facilitate its use as a currency, so people use to buy things and spread it around more.
Adam Draper

Most people hoard their money just keep it in the bank. Bitcoin will really take off when people start spending it, creating a velocity of money.
Adam Draper

The next phase of the journey is to move from speculation to actual use cases people getting into Bitcoin because they want to use it.
Adam Draper

For Bitcoin, if it becomes a thing, it will become an enormous thing. It will be world-changing. But if it’s nothing, it’s nothing. There is no in between.
Adam Draper

I want to help create the world’s first global currency built on the Internet and built on open platforms and standards such as Bitcoin, and I want to build a financial services institution on top of that. That’s what I’m doing with Circle.
Jeremy Allaire

We really think of Bitcoin as a global, interoperable payment network instead of a store of value.
Jeremy Allaire

I think there’s a need for services that will make it easier for Chinese consumers to spend globally. The Bitcoin network could be an attractive solution.
Jeremy Allaire

The emergence of open Internet protocols for value exchange, today led by the global adoption of Bitcoin’s blockchain, paves the way for value to move as freely as information and data move on the Internet today.
Jeremy Allaire

By design, Bitcoin is a scarce resource with a predictable supply of new issuance. And it is this scarcity and predictable supply that make it so attractive as an underlying asset to bind to economic activity and trade.
Jeremy Allaire

Bitcoin can be programmed, metered, and exchanged by connected devices, enabling more efficient usage of our planet’s resources and services.
Jeremy Allaire

I believe that Bitcoin holds value as a form of ‘good money’ that is superior to any previously discovered or developed form of money.
Jeremy Allaire

With great ideas come great changes. Bitcoin’s that.
Cameron Winklevoss

I’ve been through a lot of moments when other people thought Bitcoin was going to implode, and in those instances, I generally have seen through inaccurate coverage of it.
Olaf Carlson-Wee

Bitcoin is a way to have programmable scarcity. The blockchain is the data structure that records the transfer of scarce objects.
Balaji Srinivasan

Within the coming years, disrupting the Bitcoin network will become increasingly more difficult as Bitcoin wallet software and the protocol become more mature and resilient.
Brian Armstrong

You can hold your Bitcoin in Ripple. We want to be agnostic to any currency, whether that be a virtual currency, political currencies, or peer-to-peer currencies.
Chris Larsen

Bitcoin is my baby; it’s my whole world and my whole life. It’s what I was put on this earth to do.
Charlie Shrem

You look at Bitcoin, and it is an entirely new currency, completely decentralized, anonymous; transactions occur incredibly fast for free, all designed by the free market.
Jeff Berwick

I’m investing. I’m taking a lot of bitcoin, selling it as the price goes up, and putting it into real estate. Because then if bitcoin goes to zero which, it’s an experiment, it could I won’t be on the street.
Charlie Shrem

A lot of people have, like, 95 percent of their wealth in bitcoin. Great for them, but I got to be smart.
Charlie Shrem

A lot of people say that I took the first shot for Bitcoin. The first person to walk through the door always gets shot, and then everyone else can come through.
Charlie Shrem

Before I went to prison, there were not really many blockchain products. It was only bitcoin.
Charlie Shrem

My salary is converted to bitcoin, and taxes are taken out. You have to do all the tax computations in dollars because the IRS does not deal in bitcoins.
Gavin Andresen

BitCoin is actually an exploit against network complexity. Not financial networks, or computer networks, or social networks. Networks themselves.
Dan Kaminsky

Bitcoin’s got its issues. But it is not competing with perfection.
Dan Kaminsky

The Internet’s proven to be a pretty big deal for global society, and Bitcoin could basically be thought of as the Internet, applied to money.
Dan Kaminsky

I just spent the last 8 months working on the second edition of ‘Mastering Bitcoin,’ and I couldn’t even scratch the surface of all the innovation that is happening in BTC.
Andreas Antonopoulos

Bitcoin will make a dent in society when more normal transactions occur that would have occurred with dollars or credit card.
Garry Tan

Bitcoin has the potential to destroy credit cards and banks as we know it. Maybe that is a good thing or a bad thing, but I like the idea that if someone needs to remit payments, they can do it without being gouged.
Garry Tan

Often I am asked, ‘Why are you investing in bitcoin and VR? Those markets dont exist.’ You mean they do not exist yet.
Brayton Williams

Make no mistake Ethereum would never have existed without Bitcoin as a forerunner. That said, I think Ethereum is ahead of Bitcoin in many ways and represents the bleeding edge of digital currency.
Fred Ehrsam

Bitcoin is absolutely the Wild West of finance, and thank goodness. It represents a whole legion of adventurers and entrepreneurs, of risk takers, inventors, and problem solvers. It is the frontier. Huge amounts of wealth will be created and destroyed as this new landscape is mapped out.
Erik Voorhees

That’s the last thing on Earth you should think about… There’s just a whole lot of things that aren’t going to work for you. Figure out what they are and avoid them like the plague. And one of them is bitcoin… It is total insanity.
Charlie Munger

While it’s not obvious to people now, in the long-run, the permissionless innovation that Bitcoin enables will ultimately improve the lives of billions of people.
Nick Tomaino

After PayPal, I never thought I would get interested in payments again. But bitcoin is fulfilling PayPal’s original vision to create ‘the new world currency.’
David O. Sacks

I love this stuff bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain technology and what the future holds.
Abigail Johnson

In 2008, Bitcoin was mysteriously introduced to the world in an obscure, technical paper written under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. By late 2013, the financial press was filled with reportage on Bitcoin and its dramatic price increase.
Steve Hanke

Bitcoin and the block chain enables a whole new way to incentivize and transact, so change the world with this new tool. Create and build! Surprise us with an idea we have never seen before.
Adam Draper

Our view is that consumer finance what people think of as retail finance that arena is ripe for disruption. Bitcoin is absolutely a core platform and asset format that we are dependent on to build this business.
Jeremy Allaire

Everyone, it’s okay to say the word ‘bitcoin’ and acknowledge that it is the actual platform that is driving this innovation that we’re all building on. It’s also okay to say ‘the bitcoin blockchain,’ or ‘the blockchain,’ if you’re afraid that people will think you’re weird.
Jeremy Allaire

Bitcoin is open-source, global, and requires no permission from anybody, so thousands of entrepreneurs are gravitating in and building their vision.
Erik Voorhees

If you’re someone in the business of verifying transactions on a proprietary network, the invention of Bitcoin cannot be safely ignored. It will change or disrupt the providers of most proprietary payment networks in the coming years.
Brian Armstrong

Just as the web democratized publishing and development, Bitcoin can democratize building new financial services. Contracts can be entered into, verified, and enforced completely electronically, using any third-party that you care to trust, or by the code itself.
Naval Ravikant

While the traditional banks and credit card companies lock down access to their payments infrastructure to a handful of trusted parties, Bitcoin is open to all.
Naval Ravikant

I believe Bitcoin is a very convenient way to shop and to transfer money to any account around the world. Governments should work around a framework for the currency instead of putting restrictions on it.
Ravi Subramanian

My view is that the bitcoin is in its very early days, and it is an artificial currency. But whether it is creating new money, whether it is sustainable, whether it would survive I have many questions about it.
Uday Kotak

Private funding was one of the first methods used when MIT funded Bitcoin core developers Gavin Andresen, Wladimir van der Laan, and Cory Fields in 2015.
Fred Ehrsam

I think the whole narrative of blockchain without bitcoin will amount to very little.
Fred Ehrsam

Just as the Internet brought the cost of disseminating information down by an order of magnitude, bitcoin brings the cost of transferring ownership down by an order of magnitude.
Fred Ehrsam

Bitcoin’s value is the same: It will remain as long as it is the most efficient mechanism for transferring ownership.
Fred Ehrsam

When the actual Bitcoin network launched in 2009, no one knew about it, and many of those who did thought it would surely fail. Just to make sure the thing worked, the scripting language in Bitcoin was intentionally extremely restrictive.
Fred Ehrsam

The scripting language in Bitcoin is important because it is what makes Bitcoin ‘programmable money’. Within each Bitcoin transaction is the ability to write a little program.
Fred Ehrsam

Bitcoin has a core technological innovation: The ability to publicly verify ownership, instantly transfer that ownership, and do so without the need for a trusted third party.
Fred Ehrsam

The Internet will continue to be valuable so long as it is the most efficient mechanism for transferring data. Bitcoin’s value is the same: It will remain as long as it is the most efficient mechanism for transferring ownership.
Fred Ehrsam

I regard the bitcoin craze as totally asinine to create some manufactured currency.
Charlie Munger

Who would want one’s children growing up buying things like bitcoin? I hope to God my family doesn’t buy it. It’s noxious poison.
Charlie Munger

What Bitcoin started is metamorphosing into something bigger: a ‘crypto-tech’-driven economy with its own value creation, not unlike the Web’s own economy. Welcome to the cryptoconomy.
William Mougayar

The ability to easily buy and sell Bitcoin has been a really key factor in accelerating Bitcoin adoption.
Fred Ehrsam

Bitcoin represents the first major breakthrough in economics and finance since double-entry bookkeeping was invented in 1494, and activists need to embrace its power.
Max Keiser

The ledger, the distributed database it’s called a Blockchain is held in the cloud by all the parties involved. It can’t be broken by any of them. It’s cryptographically too strong. You would have to compromise the entire network to take over Bitcoin.
Naval Ravikant

Bitcoin frees people from trying to operate in a modern market economy.
Timothy C. Draper

It’s completely reasonable, even if some Bitcoin currency purists wouldn’t like it, to have credit and debit card payments denominated in Bitcoin rather than dollars, and net settled on Bitcoin instead of on Fedwire.
Nick Szabo

Ethereum has taken what was a four-function calculator of a programming language in Bitcoin and turned it into a full-fledged computer.
Fred Ehrsam

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