adBTC earn satoshis for viewing websites

Updated 01/01/2021

adbtc is a paid to click website which pays you in bitcoin (satoshi's) for viewing websites, as I write this review the site states that there are 68 sites available, total amount 585 satoshis.

The average payout varies from between 4 satoshi to 50 satoshis, the payout amount varies depending on the length of ad you decide to view.

I have seen claims of 120 satoshis per click and earn up to 6000 satoshis in one day but have not seen anything like this so far.

There are 3 types of ads you can view

1 – Surf Ads
With these type of ads you click on a website , it will open in a new window but you do not have to stay on the website (which is unusual). The majority of the revenue and ads are of this format and the payout rate varies but you can skip if you wish.

2 – Autosurfing
Click on Autosurf and it will automatically go to the next next site to give to bitcoin for each website. Not many advertisers seem to use this and payouts are lower

3 – Surf in Active window
With this format you have to stay on the ad website to get your money . Once the time is up you need to click on the correct image to earn payment


You can withdraw to Faucetpay and expresscrypto if you have more than 5000 satoshi, directly to a Bitcoin wallet if you have more than  20000 satoshi or you can transfer this to an advertiser balance.

You should be aware that transaction fees to a bitcoin wallet have risen dramatically since October 2020 so the microwallets maybe the best option. Here are the 2 recommended ones, you can pick one or two of them

Signup to faucetpay here

Signup to ExpressCrypto here


This is something I have tried, as stated above you can transfer to an advertiser balance and run one of the ad formats mentioned earlier, I have tried this and the traffic is as stated and you can set the payout, limit the hits per day and various other factors.

Useful if you want to try and promote a crypto related site that you may own.


You earn 10% per referral surfing earnings and 5% on what they spend on advertising. You can also buy referrals at a cost and as long as that person is earning you earn what they are earning, this is like a marketplace where the more the person is using the site the more expensive the referral would be to purchase


This is mots definetly a legit site, this is from many users and from my investigations I have only read good things about this site. The advertising worked as expected.

My withdrawals to date are as follows

Total paid out: 0.00103926 BTC

That is without regularly visiting the site and looking at ads – so potentially you can earn a lot more with more frequent usage.

You can sign up to adbtc here